It’s not clear to me yet what the name of this blog will be, but I trust it will reveal itself as I write.
Now, as to why I’m writing, that is very clear to me. I’m writing because the little girl inside demands it.
She has been urging me to let her write again for quite some time now. And I did. I let her write in my journals. She wrote love notes to my husband. She wrote songs of gratitude to Spirit. She even wrote letters to me, but for some reason she’s not satisfied.
The other day she reminded me of how much she has always loved writing. As she reminisced on one of her first poems, Golden Red Rays, I cried for 10 minutes. I had forgotten about that poem, and all of the beautiful words that poured from her soul.
I wish she had come to see the beauty, and profoundness of her words much sooner. I don't know, maybe she knew she had to protect them. Or maybe, she didn’t have belief in them until now. Whatever the reason, she does not consider it a tragedy. To do so, would take energy away from the gift.
So, here I am, obliging the little black girl from Little Rock, Arkansas to write. Whether or not you read is no concern of hers, or mine… not anymore. She knows now, as she possibly knew then, that her words will plant themselves in those whose hearts they are meant for - even if the heart belongs to her.
However, in case you decide to read,
Here's what I want you to know about this blog:
Know that sometimes the words will come from my heart with a mission to educate, advocate, or alchemize, but never to therapize. Other times the words will just come from my heart, and what they do for you will be more about you than me.
Here’s what I hope you feel through this blog:
I hope you feel loved.
I hope you feel seen.
I hope you feel validated.
(And maybe a bit of nostalgia and longing for the creativity of your youth).
Here’s what I hope you do as a result of this blog:
Get curious about your stories in life.
Write new stories.
Challenge yourself to be curious about everything.
Challenge yourself to grow by letting go.
Create something new daily.
Let your inner child play more.
Be intentional about nurturing yourself.
And most importantly, share this blog with your friends, family, or any one who you think may need little reminders to embrace all of life.
Now, back to the name of this blog… it still hasn’t come into focus, but I have no doubt that it will.
Until then, Blessings.
In Peace, Love, and Playfulness
Erika Michelle Cherry